TK is a Finance professional with 2 years of Actuarial Science with Maths II. He holds a Bcom (Economics and Finance) from UCT, a National Certificate in Business Banking Credit and has 9 years’ experience in both Business and Private Banking as an Assistant Banker and main Private and Business Banker at Investec, Absa and Nedbank. From 2015, he has worked as a Business Mentor for various Enterprise Development programmes and has written Business Plans for Seda and own clients. Funders for his projects include Investec, Absa and Sefa.
He has also worked as a Finance Manager for Celinhlanhla Investment cc (a commercial property-owning entity) and Dr Nkanyiso Zwane Inc/ t/a Sina Oncology where he draws up and collates financial information for funding purposes, writes Business Plans and motivations for credit and provides a Full Finance Manager function. He also specialises in maximising and optimising working capital cycles and cash flow management.
Finance principles and a good team to rely on for International Accounting principles. In essence, the biggest issue with funding is that the International Accounting Standards sometimes do not reflect the full financial position and a Finance professional with the requisite experience has to make it easy for the client and the funding prospect to come to an agreement. This is his strongest point.